
EORP( EURObservational Research Programme ) simpozijum

Poštovane kolegice i kolege, U periodu 28-29.01.2019. je održan EORP( EURObservational Research Programme ) simpozijum u Evropskoj kući srca u Sophia Antipolis , Francuska na kojem sam prisustvovala u svojstvu nacionalnog predstavnika iz BiH za evropske opservacione studije. Tema sastanka su bili značaj registriranja oboljenja u cilju poboljšanja kvaliteta rada svih ustanova, ali i zbog …

EORP( EURObservational Research Programme ) simpozijum Opširnije »

6-ти Македонски конгрес по кардиологија 2019

Dear Colleagues,   On the behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th Congress of the Macedonian Society of Cardiology with international participation, I have an honor and pleasure to invite you to participate at the congress, which will be held from the 03-06-th of October, 2019 in Ohrid, Macedonia. The Congress is for cardiologists, …

6-ти Македонски конгрес по кардиологија 2019 Opširnije »

MLSF 2019: Collaboration with the Association of Cardiologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina

Dear Dr Zumreta Kusljugic, Dr Ibrahim Terzic, On behalf of the MLSF Board (Dr Laurent Drogoul, Dr Philippe Généreux ,Dr Stephane Lopez & Dr Tiago Nolasco), it is a great pleasure to inform you that the registrations are opened for the 2nd Edition of Multi-Level Structural Factory Conference. This year, MLSF congress will be held …

MLSF 2019: Collaboration with the Association of Cardiologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina Opširnije »

Dodatno usavršavanje

Poštovani članovi UKBIH, Poslali smo zvanični zahtjev za podršku za dodatno usavršavanje, obećano nam je 5 grantova za AF. Molim sve zainteresovane (obavezno dobro poznavanje engleskog jezika) da se jave tehničkom sekretaru Mirsadu Selimoviću, tako da bismo mogli poslati spisak kandidata za grantove. Sve dalje informacije potražite na Također vas molimo da nam date …

Dodatno usavršavanje Opširnije »

Sponzorisanje kongresa u Lisabonu za mlade članove RG za pejsmejkere i EP

Dear Presidents, Dear Chairpersons, As you know, since 1 January 2018, EHRA is facing new challenges, most notably the revised MedTech Europe code, which prohibits the direct sponsoring by medical device companies of a delegate’s congress attendance. In this respect once again, EHRA will provide Congress Educational Grants to facilitate attendance to as many delegates …

Sponzorisanje kongresa u Lisabonu za mlade članove RG za pejsmejkere i EP Opširnije »

Otvorene su prijave za međunarodni konkurs International Medis Awards for Medical Research 2018

Stručni žiri za dodjelu nagrade International Medis Awards ove godine peti put zaredom raspisuje konkurs International Medis Awards for Medical Research za najbolja aplikativna medicinska dostignuća ljekara i farmaceuta u regiji srednje i jugoistočne Evrope. U 2018. godini poziv za prijavu upućujemo zdravstvenim radnicima s područja farmacije, gastroenterologije, ginekologije, intenzivne medicine (s anesteziologijom), neurologije, oftalmologije, …

Otvorene su prijave za međunarodni konkurs International Medis Awards for Medical Research 2018 Opširnije »

EuroEcho Imaging 2018 – Abstract submission deadline – 31 May

Dear Professor Kusljugic, FESC Submit your abstract or clinical case to EuroEcho-Imaging 2018, the world’s preeminent cardiovascular imaging congress. ‘Presenting our research at EuroEcho-Imaging 2017 and being awarded the Young Investigator Award (YIA) was an acknowledgement and a great inspiration to start new projects. The award has helped propel my career and I have enjoyed …

EuroEcho Imaging 2018 – Abstract submission deadline – 31 May Opširnije »