Snižena članarina za – EACVI

Dear Chairpersons of Working Groups and National Societies,

We hope that you are keeping well! As advised during the EACVI National Societies Summit, held in Marseille, France on the 3-4th June 2016, we have launched a limited special offer on the EACVI Silver membership level: only 100 Euro instead of 156 Euro, ending 4th July 2016.

Should you wish to promote it among your communities, please kindly find attached our membership web banner and a short promotional text below to use:

Special EACVI membership offer ending on 4 July 2016
Become an EACVI Silver member!
Get the Silver full benefits at a discounted fee: only 100€ including taxes.
Do not delay this special offer ends on 4 July! Register (weblink already inserted on the word “register”: https://escardio– )

The EACVI National Societies Summit post report will shortly be sent to you.