
Važna obavijest

Nakon razgovora sa prof.Baxom i prof Anchebahom dobili smo niz pogodnosti od ESC-a za naše članove.
Molim da pročitate pogodnosti koje su mi ponudili i da se do 22.1.2018 god prijavite ako želite koristiti iste. UO UKuBiH razmatrat će vaše prijave.
Takođe vas molim da dođete na slijedeći stručni sastanak radi dogovora oko inicijative da od Ministarstva tražimo priznavanje subspecijalizacije iz kardiologija prema zakonskim uvjetima.

S postovanjem,
prof. Z. Kusljugic

Dear Professor Kusljugic, FESC

We are writing to inform you of some additional opportunities for members of your National Cardiac Society in relation to the ESC Congress to be held in Munich from Saturday 25 to Wednesday 29 August 2018.

Free ESC Congress Registrations
Every year, the European Society of Cardiology offers 25 free registrations to ESC Congress 2018 to young delegates of your country, in order to allow young clinicians and scientists to benefit from a strong Scientific & Educational programme, as well as to network with colleagues & peers and be inspired by global key opinion leaders.

Please compile a list of up to 25 candidates for free congress registration from your National Cardiac Society.
Applicants should be no more than 35 years of age and preferably be first-time attendees of ESC Congress.
Please submit the names before 22 February 2018 by clicking here.

We understand that in addition to the cost of a congress registration, the expenses incurred for travel and accommodation are significant expenses that may prevent some potential delegates from attending, even if they are offered a free registration. As a result, the ESC offers opportunities to further support the attendance of National Cardiac Society members to ESC Congress:

ESC Congress Educational Grants
This offer is continued from recent years and is open to your members. They would receive a €850 travel grant, plus free registration to ESC Congress and a free ESC Professional Membership for 2018 (or 2019, if already an ESC Professional Member). Applicants can apply through the following webpage: ESC Congress Educational Grants.
Grants will be awarded according to merit – for example, abstract presenters will be given credit over individuals who do not contribute with an abstract. Applications must be received ONLINE before 22 February 2018 and acceptance will be communicated in March 2018. We kindly request that you promote this opportunity to all of your members.

ESC/NCS Partnership Congress Educational Grants
Following conversations with the NCS Vice-Presidents Professor Stefan Anker and Professor Bela Merkely and further to the recent meeting of the ESC Board, we are delighted to announce that the ESC will extend a €850 travel grant, plus free registration to ESC Congress and a free ESC Professional Membership for 2018 (or 2019, if already an ESC Professional Member) for to up to 3 of the candidates your National Cardiac Society has nominated for free ESC Congress registration. You can select up to three candidates that are most deserving of this opportunity.
This is on the basis that your National Cardiac Society will also fund the travel grant for up to 3 other candidates on your list for free registration (e.g. ESC provides 3 grants and your NCS provides 3 grants). The same terms and conditions would apply for candidates receiving an NCS travel grant and would also include a free ESC Professional Membership for 2018 (or 2019, if already a ESC Professional Member).

We hope you will agree to this Partnership Grant initiative, and we look forward to receiving the list of beneficiaries (the names and contact data of those to be funded by ESC and the names receiving travel grants directly from your National Cardiac Society) by 22 February 2018. Please send your list to

Please note that there are some basic requirements for both grant types:
• Selected applicants must be 35 year old or under, or still in training
• Selected applicants cannot have benefited from another ESC Grant (ESC Congress Educational Grant 2016 / 2017 – Basic science travel grant, etc…)
• Selected applicants (both selected by ESC and ESC/NCS Partnership Congress Educational Grants) must comply with the sign in/sign out requirement at the Congress as proof of attendance. Payment of the grants will be processed after the Congress, provided the attendance criteria are met.
We hope that these initiatives will allow more members of your National Cardiac Society, particularly the young, to benefit from a unique experience of networking and learning at ESC Congress 2018 in Munich.

We take this opportunity to remind you that ESC Congress 2018 abstract submission is open – be sure to share this information with your members so their science can be part the congress where the world of cardiology comes together.

Please let us know if you have any questions on this initiative and we look forward to receiving your list of selected applicants by 22 February 2018.

For any additional information, please contact

With our best regards,

Jeroen Bax
ESC President ‎2016 – 2018

Stephan Achenbach
ESC Congress Programme Committee Chairman ‎2016 – 2018

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