
The importance of e-Health in daily cardiology practice

Day by day, ‘e-Health’ and in particular ‘e-Cardiology’ applications weave themselves into daily clinical practice. For instance, remote monitoring of patients with implantable devices (eg. implantable cardioverter defibrillator – ICD) allows the continuous monitoring of the health status of these patients at all times. Furthermore, patients themselves have become partners in health and are able to measure various medical parameters and register their health status – eg. blood pressure, glucose levels, heart rhythm—with medical devices, which are connected to their smartphones through health apps. The collected data can then be shared and discussed with their cardiologist.Apart from these examples, most hospitals use electronic health record systems that allow the cardiologist to access information on patients available anywhere in the hospital (and sometimes also outside the hospital). Moreover, data on specific diseases and procedures are registered in nationwide registries providing insights on disease trends and costs.

See more at: http://www.cxvascular.com/crn-highlights/cardiac-rhythm-news—highlights/the-importance-of-e-health-in-daily-cardiology-practice-#sthash.pShAHFnB.dpuf

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