
EAS kongres 2018

Poštovane kolege,
Obavještavamo vas da se u periodu od 5-8 maja 2018 u Lisabonu Portugal, održava kongres Evropskog udruženja za aterosklerozu. Informacije o tom događaju ćete pronaći na stranici

(EAS 2018 Congress Lisbon, Portugal May 05-08).

Pošaljite svoje radove, saznaćete o najnovijim dostignućima iz oblasti ateroskleroze, možete razmotriti pogodnosti za mlade istraživače, uživati u historijski interesantnom i lijepom Lisabonu, te iskoristiti prednosti rane registracije.

Pozvani predavači su:

1. Stefanie Dimmeler , Professor of Experimental Medicine and Director of the Institute of Cardiovascular Regeneration, Center for Molecular Medicine at the University of Frankfurt.

2. David Erlinge undertook research studies in invasive cardiology at Cornell University, New York, NY. Dr. Erlinge was awarded the Lars Werkö distinguished research fellowship in 2006, and was appointed Professor in Cardiology at Lund University in 2008.

3. Brian Ference – Associate Professor of Medicine, Clinical Chief of the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine and Director of the Cardiovascular Genomic Research Centre at Wayne State University School of Medicine. He is currently living in Beijing where he is Chief Medical and Scientific Officer for the Chinese Precision Medicine Initiative US-Sino Collaboration.

4. Valentin Fuster – the Director of Mount Sinai Heart, The Richard Gorlin, MD Heart Foundation, Professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and Physician-in-Chief, The Mount Sinai Hospital.

5. Ulf Landmesser – Chairman of the Department of Cardiology at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

6. Dr. Peter Libby is a cardiovascular medicine specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and the Mallinckrodt Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School (HMS).

7. Steffen Massberg is Professor of Cardiology and Director of the Department of Cardiology at the University Clinic Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians University in Germany.

8. Gerard Pasterkamp is Professor of the Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry at the University Medical Center Utrecht.

9. Ira Tabas is the Richard J. Stock Professor of Medicine at Columbia University

10. Marja-Riitta Taskinen MD, PhD and Emerita Professor of Medicine and her team is a member of the Research Program Unit, Diabetes & Obesity Research program at the University of Helsinki

11. Viola Vaccarino, M.D., Ph.D., is the Wilton Looney Chair of Cardiovascular Research, Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine, and Chair of the Department of Epidemiology at Emory University in Atlanta, USA

12. Dr. Virmani is also Clinical Professor, Department of Pathology at Georgetown University; University of Maryland-Baltimore; George Washington University; and Vanderbilt University. She was a Chairperson at the Department of Cardiovascular Pathology of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology from 1984 until 2004.

13. Joseph L. Witztum is currently Distinguished Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego.

14. Salim Yusuf is an internationally renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist whose work over 35 years has substantially influenced prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease

Radna grupa za aterosklerozu Udruženja Kardiologa u BiH

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