Working Group of Pediatric Cardiology

The Working Group of Pediatric Cardiologyis part of the Association of Cardiologists and Angiologists of B&H /UKB&H/ and as such is a member of the World and European Association of Cardiologists as well as the European Association of Pediatric Cardiologists (AEPC). It acts at UKB&H through ThePediatric Cardiology Section.

The members of the Working Group of Pediatric Cardiologyare: Prof. Dr. Senka Dinarević, Mr.dr.Zijo Begić, Prof. Dr. Hidajeta Begić, Prim. Dr. Tomica Božić, Dr. Majda Smailagić, Prim. Dr. Jasminka Ibrahimović, Prim.dr.Fatima Begić, Dr. Miroslav Elek, Dr.M.Sc. Stevan Bajić, Mr. Sci, dr. Kadić Almira, Prim.Dr. Ediba Hadžimujić, Željko Rončević PhD, Prim. Dr. Karahasan, M.Sci. dr. Mirza Halimić, Dr. Ružica Borović, Dr. Dario Đukić, MSc. Dr. Snežana Simić-Perić, Prim.Dr. Enisa Čaluk, VMS Indira Poplata. The Section of Pediatric Cardiology since its establishment, with eminent members: Prof. dr. Ešref Sarajlić, Prof.dr. Hasna Kusturica-Mesihović, Hadžo Čengić Ph.Dr, Prim.dr. Vera Lojpur-Simić, Prim Dr. Rešad Terzić, actively contribute to the segment of pediatric cardiology medicine in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The activities of the Pediatric Cardiology Working Group are carried out through the Association of Cardiologists and Angiologists of BiH, cooperation with the Committee for Cardiovascular Pathology of the Department of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as through scientific research and educational work.

The mirror of one country development is reflected in the level of development of pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery. The members of the Working Group actively participated in the improvement of pediatric cardiology in Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with the European guidelines /AEPC/, through active participation, education, the introduction of new diagnostic therapeutic methods and treatment algorithms for the pediatric population, as well as the establishment of pediatric cardiac surgery in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which included adequate space, operating and catheterization rooms, intensive and post-intensive care and therapy, modern equipment, creation of a new team of doctors, invasive and non-invasive paediatric cardiologists, neonatal and pediatric cardiac intensivists. Cardiosurgical treatment was carried out by colleagues from Austria, Sweden, Slovenia, Germany and America, as well as by a local team of cardiac surgeons. Since 1997, all patients in Bosnia and Herzegovina with CHD ductus-dependent have been able to receive PGE therapy, echocardiography, transesophageal echocardiography, neonatal and pediatric intensive care and therapy, tilt table test /2009/, ergometry /2008/; 24-72 hours Holter blood pressure /2006/; 24-72h Holter ECG /2003/; Balloon Atrial Septostomy /2002/, cardiac catheterization /since 1997/ with foreign teams, as well as the gradual application of modern diagnostic and therapeutic protocols throughout B&H, with trained medical, cardiology, anesthesiology, intensivist and nursing staff. In the period from 1997 to January 2016, 883 patients were treated by cardiac surgery, and cardiac catheterizations were performed in 306 patients, a total of 1109 patients from Bosnia and Herzegovina, by a team of doctors from Austria, Sweden, Slovenia, with a local team of cardiac surgeons. Waiting lists in January 2016 for cardiac surgery, radiofrequency ablation and cardiac catheterization: therapeutic or diagnostic, were reduced to a minimum, taking into account the periodic arrivals of teams from Austria /except for the treatment of hypoplastic left heart performed in Vienna/; Sweden; referral to Italy of „cold cases“; Turkey / transport from BiH due to Dr.Transposition of large blood vessels + VSD, Dr.Transposition of large blood vessels, Dr.Truncus arteriosus communis, Dg.Arrythmio cordis for Radiofrequency ablation after Electrophysiology study/ while the treatment of most congenital cardiac anomalies was performed by the local team.

During that period, a subspecialist staff of pediatric cardiologists was trained and certified in: Bihać, Tuzla, Zenica, Mostar, Banja Luka, Travnik and Sarajevo. The Out pts clinicfor adults and teenagers with congenital heart anomalies was established in 2013 at the Pediatric Clinic of CCU of Sarajevo, as well as the Out pts clinicfor Preventive Cardiology, the Out pts clinic for Sports MedicineThe Association of Parents of Children with Congenital Heart Anomalies “BRAVE HEARTS” was founded in 2013, and a website was created with a plan for examination and meetings of children, cardiologists, psychologists and nurses. A Guide for parents of children with CHD has been available since 2000. Vaccination of children with CHD bySynagis in order to prevent respiratory syncytial virus /RSV/ is carried out continuously in Sarajevo, Zenica, Bihać, Mostar, Tuzla and Banja Luka. In 2015. an initiative has been sent to the Federal Ministry of Health for the systemic solution of hearttransplantation in childrenThere is a continuous planto refresh the staff of cardiologists, subspecialists and nurses in all cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A Register of Congenital Heart Anomalies according to the EURO CARD was established (2007), which was distributed in the form of a CD to the members of the Section. The data is stored in the central code of BiH, with the obligation to display it on the website of the Association of Pediatricians of BiH.

Pediatric cardiology has always been the heart of pediatrics, and together with pediatric surgery, it made possible the progress of other branches of pediatrics and directly contributed to the reduction of perinatal mortality, which is one of the main indicators of the development of a country. Therefore, the work and activity of the Working Group of Pediatric Cardiology is regularly evaluated along with the strategy of organizing the cardiology service at the level of BiH according to European principles and the application of modern cardiology doctrine. The focus of doctors and the health system should not be directed only towards seeking a better and higher standard of treatment, but the primary goal should be to research ways of disease prevention. Pediatric cardiology in BiH is in intensive progress, including diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients with congenital and acquired cardiac anomalies. Invasive cardiology.Invasive cardiology, with fetal and transesophageal, along with the expansion of the cardiac surgical operative spectrum for the treatment of congenital heart anomalies by the local team, represents an imperative strategy in the next decade along with the continuity of research in pediatric cardiology.

Through the Association of Cardiologists and Angiologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Working Group of Pediatric Cardiologycarries out continuous activity through participation in Congresses, Symposia, education and scientific research projects.

In cooperation with the Committee for Cardiovascular Pathology ANU BiH, Working Group of Pediatric Cardiology participates in the celebration of World Heart Day, which is held on September 29 every year, at the World Heart Organization (WHO), by organizing International Symposia at ANU BiH, which resulted in issuing publications on the occasion of this jubilee;, namely:

1.Symposium „I work with the heart“, ANUBiH, 2010. Book of abstracts
2. International symposium on „Pulmonary arterial hypertension“, ANUBiH, 2011. Proceedings: Mesihović – Dinarević S, editor. International Symposium on Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Special issues CXXXIX. Department of Medical Sciences book 39. Sarajevo: ANUBiH; 2011
3.Symposium Risk factors for the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, ANUBiH, 2011. Proceedings: Mesihović-Dinarević S, editor. Risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Special issues CXLI. Department of Medical Sciences Book 40. Sarajevo: ANUBiH; 2011.
4. Congenital Heart Anomalies Symposium, ANUBiH, 2012. Book of abstracts Collection of works: Mesihović-Dinarević S, editor. Congenital heart anomalies symposium. Special editions CL. Department of Medical Sciences book 42. Sarajevo: ANUBiH; 2012.
5.International Scientific Conference Perspectives in Pediatric Cardiology, IUC Dubrovnik, 2012. Book of abstracts Proceedings: MesihovićDinarević S, editor. International Scientific Conference Perspectives in Pediatric Cardiology. Special Editions CLI. Department of Medical Sciences 43. Sarajevo: ANUBiH; 2012
6.Symposium Heart Rhythm Disorders in Children, Athletes and Adults, ANUBiH, 2013. Book of Abstracts
7.Symposium Acquired Heart Diseases, ANUBiH, 2014. Book of Abstracts, Proceedings: Mesihović-Dinarević S, editor. Scientific Symposium Acquired Heart Diseases. Special Editions CLVIII. Department of Medical Sciences 45. Sarajevo: ANUBiH; 2014.
8. International Scientific Symposium Fetal Medicine: From Leonardo da Vinci to Today, Sarajevo City Hall, 2015. Book of abstracts (working material). Proceedings: Mesihović-Dinarević S, editor. International Scientific Symposium Fetal Medicine: From Leonardo da Vinci to Today. CLIX Special Editions. Department of Medical Sciences book 46. Sarajevo: ANUBiH; 2015.
9.International Symposium Mitral Valve Diseases in Children and Adults, ANUBiH, 2016. Book of abstracts, Proceedings: Mesihović-Dinarević S, editor. International Symposium Mitral Valve Diseases in Children and Adults. Special Editions CLXVIII. Department of Medical Sciences 49. Sarajevo: ANUBiH; in 2017
10.Symposium Health management with special attention to cardiovascular diseases, ANUBiH, 2018. Book of abstracts Proceedings: MesihovićDinarević S, editor. Symposium Health management with special attention to cardiovascular diseases. Special Editions CLXXVII. Department of Medical Sciences 52. Sarajevo: ANUBiH; 2018.
11. Symposium with international participation Heart and …, ANUBiH, 2019. Book of abstracts. Proceedings: Mesihović-Dinarević S, editor. Symposium with International Participation Heart and …, Special Editions CLXXXI. Department of Medical Sciences 54. Sarajevo: ANUBiH; 2019.
12. International Scientific Symposium: Diagnostics in Cardiology, ANUBiH, 2020.
13. International Scientific Symposium: Congenital Heart Diseases in Adults (GUCH), ANUBiH, 2021. Book of abstracts (working material). Proceedings: Mesihović-Dinarević S, editor. International Scientific Symposium Diagnostics in Cardiology and Grown-Up Congenital Heart Disease (GUCH). Special Editions CXCIX. Department of Medical Sciences 60. Sarajevo: ANUBiH; in 2021

In all cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina,members of the Working Group, as part of the celebration of World Heart Day, organize in the squares, at the same time, gathering of doctors, nurses, medical students and students of secondary medical schools with citizens, measurement of blood sugar, pulse, oxygen saturation , blood pressure, along with health education about a healthy lifestyle.

Members of the Working Group of Pediatric Cardiologyalso participate in Projects at the Committee for Cardiovascular Pathology ANU BiH, namely:

1. Cardiovascular diseases and oral health
2. The importance of screening for overweight/obesity in preschool children in the prevention of premature cardiometabolic risk
3. Obesity and Periodontitis-Effect of nutrition on the oral and general health of children and adolescents
4. Covid 19 in the pediatric and adult population-cardiovascular aspect
5. Additional education of primary care physicians in basic pediatric knowledge, including cardiology emergencies and preventive activities
6. Mediterranean diet and cardiovascular diseases



Every child and young adolescent who requires medical treatment should receive the same with the highest standard of treatment, health care and protection by trained competent professionals, doctors and nurses/technicians on time, in adequate conditions applying the principles of good medicalpractice.

The mission of the Working Group of Pediatric Cardiology:

  • detection of risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases,
  • monitoring the health status of the population,
  • implementation of preventive measures for the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases /promotion of sports and physical activity, measurement of blood pressure, triglycerides, blood sugar, determination of body mass index, calculation of cardiovascular risk, risk assessment for heart and blood diseases, advice on nutrition/,
  • establishment of modern algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (congenital and acquired) from conception, childhood, adolescence and adulthood,
  • health education,
  • improvement of scientific knowledge in the field of cardiovascular medicine.
  • promotion of preventive cardiology through an educational program: adequate nutrition from birth, in the family, school, living environment as well as ways of leading an optimal life.
  • monitoring and application of novelties in cardiovascular diagnostic medicine, pediatric cardiac surgery and diagnostic therapeutic cardiac catheterization, echocardiography modalities, fetal echocardiography, genetics, imaging techniques, MRI, CT, artificial intelligence, diagnosis and therapy of heart rhythm disorders in children and adults, congenital heart anomalies of adolescents, cardiac diagnostic protocols during the COVID 19 infection, professional promotion of systemic interventions, improvements in health care in accordance with guidelines in the European Union.
  • implementation of modern health policy, written medically


The Mode of operation of the Pediatric Cardiology Working Group:

  • regular meetings,
  • symposia,
  • congresses,
  • workshops,
  •  educations.


Sarajevo 1.7.2022.                                                     Senka Mesihović-Dinarević

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