

Poštovani članovi UKBIH,

pogledajte pismo koje nam je stiglo ispred ESC-a, a u vezi organizacije simpozija u jesen 2014.

Working Group for Cardiac Pacing
Bosnia & Herzegovina
President: Dr. Boris M. Goronja
Dear Dr Goronja,
Based on joint discussions on the future of the ICD for Life project of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) in your country, Bosnia and Herzegovina, we mutually agreed on the organization of a summit in Sarajevo in autumn 2014.
You are nominated to be the main coordinator of this meeting and we trust that you will provide EHRA a real support.
The main purpose of the summit would be to bring together important stakeholders in Health Care Sector in your country and representatives of EHRA for open discussion on further progress in the field of prevention of sudden cardiac death.
Sincerely yours,
Prof Karl Heinz Kuck
President of EHRA.


Prof. Zumreta Kušljugić

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